October 2023 Monthly Roundup

october 2023 Monthly Roundup

release the old & prep for newity

Book a reiki session with me!

Book a Reiki session this month to help you release the old and make space for what newities are ready to come into your life.

Yvonne’s new product Spotlight!

Check out these lavender eye pillows that are new to The 203 Uptown. They cost $38 and are filled with lavender buds and flax seeds to help you breath easier and reconnect to yourself after a long day or week!

Flower Essence of the Month ~ Lotuswei Fierce Compassion Mist

Flower essences are liquid extracts used to address profound issues of emotional well-being, soul development, and mind-body health. They are part of an emerging field of subtle energy medicine, which also includes homeopathy, acupuncture, color therapy, therapeutic touch and similar modalities.

The flower essence for the month is Lotuswei’s Fierce Compassion Mist. This is designed to magnify appreciation of things just as they are, dissolve feelings of loss, and invokes rich earthy floral notes.

Crystal of the Month ~ Copper

This month’s crystal spotlight for October is Copper. Copper is balancing, harmonizing, grounding, and also helps a person feel centered after use. As one of the most effective energy conductors, Copper attracts the many energies of the Earth and pushes out the positive energy of the Earth to assist and align your auric field and chakras.

Energetic & Focus Pose ~ Seated Spinal Twist

The Energetic and Focus Pose for October is Seated Spinal Twist. Bring your left hand to your right knee and place your right fingertips on the mat behind you. Inhald, sit up tall - lengthen your spine. Exhale, twist from the base of your spine to the right. Make sure that your spine is straight before taking the twist and keep your eyes at eye-line. Then repeat on the other side! Notice how you feel and your energy level afterwards.

Upcoming Events to Look Forward to

Sean is back to do another sound certification at The 203 Uptown on Saturday and Sunday, October 14th and 15th from 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm. This is a great time to get certified as it is during Eclipse season. The cost is $555 and you can Venmo @Sean-Beiersdorfer to reserve your spot. Spaces are limited!

Join Leah for her sound bath experience this month at The 203 Uptown on Friday, October 20th. The cost of her class is only $20 for a 30 minute sound bath! You can purchase her class and reserve your spot as they are limited at www.leahheals.com.

Yvonne is continuing to release a new mantra every Monday on her Instagram page (@yvonnefutchreiki) to help her community start each week with the best foot forward, the highest intentions and a mindful mindset. Here is one mantra to help you in this month of October!

If you have any suggestions for resources or information to share, please share them with Yvonne and she will share in her next Monthly Newsletter.

release the old & prep for newity
With Love & Light,

XOXO — Yvonne


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